The two most common questions I get from people are: what if you step in dog poop and what if you step on broken glass?
To answer the first question, it doesn’t matter if I am running, walking, sleeping, or taking a shower, I make it a policy to not step in dog poop.
As for broken glass, some day I might cut my foot. Even in this day of plastic bottles, there is still broken glass on the ground, mostly beer bottles.
However, there is not the vast never ending supply of broken glass that we had back when I was a kid in a time when everything came in a glass bottle. Perhaps, that is the image most people still have of the ground.
When I see broken glass, I try to run around it. Wow, that was simple. Most of the broken glass I see is not the brand new broken glass with big sharp shards that will chop my leg off and make me bleed out in seconds. If I confront that situation, I will stop and do what is needed to not cut my foot off.
Usually, what I encounter are small pieces that have bounced around on the ground for a while dulling all the edges.
Recently, I ran through, and directly on, a patch of this type of broken glass. Fortunately, my feet had leathered up enough that no damage was done. I did feel some sharp pain and thought I had cut my foot. When I stopped to look at the damage, I saw it was not the glass causing the pain, but a tiny pebble embedding in my skin. These little rocks combined with concrete mean a whole-lotta ouch.
So it’s not glass or poop I’m worried about; it’s those innocent looking little pebbles. I hope one day my feet toughen to the point that I can run on these small rocks and merely give a manly laugh and say, “I fear you no more small pebbles.”